Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Connected Educator #EdBlogNZ Challenge

I know I'm not a newbie - and I'm definitely not a legend, so for now I'll sit (somewhat) comfortably as a casual blogger.  If I am honest I would probably term myself a keen but reluctant blogger.  How is that for a contradiction in terms?  I greedily read blogs from the likes of Claire Amos and Alex Le Long  and wonder - how can I live up to that?

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Source Link

Blogging has been something that I worry about.  What if I get my proofing wrong?  What if I say the wrong thing?  What if other people think I'm naff?  What if people think I'm a crappy teacher?  Actually - I need to stop these thoughts.  I've been big on helping my students to recognise and apply a growth mindset - when actually, it is me who needs to embrace this as well.  

Carol Dwek's site suggests that with "the fixed mindset it’s not enough just to succeed. It’s not enough just to look smart and talented. You have to be pretty much flawless. And you have to be flawless right away... After all, if you have it you have it, and if you don’t you don’t." ( 

 I recognise a bit, ok shades of myself in this.  If I do not get this blog thing right straight-away what happens?  Well, to be honest, what happens is I should write the next day (ok, week or month) and the next day and the day after that as well.   I need to take a leaf out of my teaching book and listen to myself.   I want to do it all - and in wanting to do it all perfectly, I have stopped out of fear.  This doesn't just apply to my teaching life, but to other aspects as well.  I need to look with brutal honestly (and find a mentor to help me) at all aspects of my life.  Personal goals, family goals and teaching goals all require a growth mindset - and I know that this mindset will help me achieve these goals.

I haven't exactly stayed on topic - but I can reflect on the topic in that the key thing for me to further develop in my teaching practice is this growth mindset - alongside my students.  I love learning - I actually miss the crazy of study and teaching together that was last year - so maybe finding some good reading books on this topic could be start for me. 

I have an amazing unit planned for my Y9/10 class next term, and I know we'll explore growth mindset further in that, especially for students for whom public speaking is a struggle.  I know I have changed in the past 11 years and I'm thankful I know that I can and need to change in the next eleven as well.
Image result for carol dweck quotes
Source reference

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The Quiet Front

This blog has been the quiet front of my working sphere.

This past term has been huge in terms of face to face PD and expanding my use of Twitter, specifically #BFC630NZ and following some educational heroes (if I can call them that) online.  I have completed a CORE education course that introduced Te Reo to us and how to start using it more confidently in the classroom.  This was my most challenging PD - all about embracing the fear and doing it anyway.

Source: Twitter

I took part in a Best Practice Workshop for the Literacy Unit Standards and came away enthused, encouraged, confident and inspired to use this for our learners who need these to support their literacy learning.  It is an amazing way to gather natural evidence from across all subjects for the learners, and use work they are already completing rather than extra assessment tasks.

I hope to take part in a few more on-line webinars before the end of year - the bonus of these is if life happens (as it does) they are downloadable for a later time.  In the mean time, the seniors have final assessments to get in, I have final marks to record - and then sent off for verification - never a dull moment!