Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Fifteen days later!

I did have grand designs for blogging weekly, possibly even twice weekly - but it turns out that things get prioritised, and this being an extra bonus activity for me personally (as opposed to something I have to check off for others) has taken a tumble to the bottom of the pile.
Image result for pile of work photo
It isn't quite so bad that I'm crying out for help -  but it has taken a good week of prioritising and self-managing to ensure that all the commitments I've made are honoured.  I started thinking about our students - they too have life commitments, family commitments, seniors often also have work commitments.  Into that mix we add deadlines, assessments schedules and generally scary concepts such as exams.

This week I am going to stop and get my students to do some self-reflection and some planning.   We aim to teach the competencies of self-management; but if as an adult it is easy to get snowed under how much more as a young teen.  We're going to add in a few more checkpoints for our work and just make sure that everyone who needs extra support is getting it.

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