Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Note taking

Note taking is a skill that is starting to be required more and more.  In both my senior classes this term, the skills of skimming and scanning for information are something we are learning.  The students are working on a personal research project, which will be linked to a speech in front of their peers.  I too, am having to develop my skimming and scanning as I am taking part in a PD research project run by Otago University.  

The project is looking at ideas and concepts surrounding future focused literacy.  This week we were exploring the way students are both 'text users' and 'text analysts.'  It has been great for me to be able to step back into 'student' mode as the delivery method has required me to step up and take notes to ensure I can refer back to them when contributing to the written work.

Some of my notes from my PD #edsketch15

I have enjoyed playing around with some different note taking strategies, sketching, arrows, tables and just plain key words.  It has been a real eye-opener to remember exactly how much concentration it takes to listen and take notes for a length of time.  I need to remember this with my own students - limit the up-front talk time.  I need to investigate the concept of 'flipped classroom' more - but that also makes me wonder, if they students weren't actively engaging/notetaking - would it be useful? Would I end up with half a class who have and half a class of 'have not had time.'?

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